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작성자 test008 댓글 0건 조회 1회 작성일 24-04-16 14:17


"Self-realization through horseback riding is the only way for it to become popular." His philosophy was firm. Moreover, he is so ordinary and candid that there is no objection. Philosophy is the result of being thought    through a long set of experiences and facts. It has been 28 years since I started horseback riding. The stories that Park Kyung-nam has always advocated have the belief that we should bring the shadow of our horse riding to a bright place. First of all, we need  to make it easier to understand horses. Industry is important, but for horseback riding to become a sport, the playing culture must first settle down and then sublimate. It should have a pyramid-style virtuous cycle, but we are the opposite. If horseback riding gives  pleasure to the public, it gives them psychological satisfaction and a sense of health. People should also participate in society through horseback riding and individuals should be given motivation to achieve self-realization. The realization of children's dream values


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