Online Betting Terminology > 고객센터

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Online Betting Terminology

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작성자 Concetta 댓글 0건 조회 2회 작성일 25-01-21 03:52


The landscape of online betting has evolved significantly over the last decade. It's a world filled with jargon that might sound alien to a novice, but the terminology used is relatively easy to understand once broken down. The following guide will define and explain various terms that are commonly used in online betting, helping you to navigate your way through different platforms more easily.

Bet Types

1. Single Bet: A Single Bet is the simplest form of Online Betting. You predict an outcome, place a bet, and if your prediction is correct, you win.

It is straightforward and easy to understand, especially for beginners. 2. Accumulator: Also known as an 'acca', an Accumulator involves multiple bets (two or more) combined.


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