Dico Ganinduto publicly calls on Ahmad Raffi to contend in the 2024 regional election in Central Java. > 고객센터

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Dico Ganinduto publicly calls on Ahmad Raffi to contend in the 2024 re…

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작성자 Lacey 댓글 0건 조회 2회 작성일 24-06-29 15:25


Not Ready to Talk For now, Dico Ganinduto cannot speak much about the prospect of other candidates accompanying him in the 2024 Pilkada. "Yes, we are not ready to say anything yet," said Dico Ganinduto.

"Lumajang is incorporated to this Pilkada because of a notable incident in the past," said Inspector General Imam at the Mapolda Jatim on Friday. Therefore, according to Irjen Imam, there will be variations in the security arrangements between the Pilkada and the past electoral process. This will be adapted to the characteristics of each region. "The security patterns will undoubtedly vary; we are currently assessing the IPKP of each region," said Inspector General Imam. "God willing, in August and September, after the candidate announcement, we will be able to map the security patterns in each region," added Inspector General Imam.

073330500_1717756195-IMG_20240607_151239-01.jpegBagja explained that the selection process is also ongoing, specifically the selection of Ad Hoc Panwas prepared by Bawaslu’s Human Resources (HR) Division. Meanwhile, he mentioned that the evaluation is related to the performance of the Ad Hoc Panwas during the previous Presidential and Legislative Elections. "If during the Presidential and Legislative Elections the Ad Hoc Panwas did not perform well, of course, we can evaluate and re-select for the Pilkada," said Bagja.

Recount in Surabaya "We have prepared a storage facility and deployed security personnel. From our accord with the KPUD and Bawaslu, we have provided three locks, each held by Bawaslu, KPUD, and the police," he said. "Thus, we ensure that the election boxes are safe and that the voting recount will proceed without issues," he concluded. Meanwhile, Chairman of East Java KPU A. Kunaifi highlighted that Surabaya was picked for the recount process, considering several aspects. "Namely, considering security aspects and other factors such as the process of changing the KPU leadership," said Aang Kunaifi.

"We thank the friends from the North Sumatra DPD for the request. But the decision is not up to us," said Ahok during the 5th PDIP National Working Meeting (Rakernas) at Beach City International Stadium, Ancol, North Jakarta, Saturday (25/5/2024).

In addition to mapping the vulnerable areas for the 2024 local elections, the Polda Jatim are also focused on securing the recount in two regions, Jember and Pamekasan, for the DPR RI and regional DPRD elections to be held in Surabaya on June 23, 2024. The election boxes for the recount are currently well protected at the Mapolda Jatim. The Regional Election Commission intentionally entrusted the voting logistics because, in accordance with the Constitutional Court (MK) ruling, the police were appointed to provide security.

Director of East Java Police Intelligence and Security, Kombes Dekananto Eko Puwono, revealed that his team received a petition from the KPUD East Java based on the results of the plenary according to the MK's decision to deposit the election papers from Jember as well as Pamekasan at the East Java Regional Police Headquarters.

Reportedly, the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) has officially nominated Anies Baswedan and Sohibul Iman as the prospective gubernatorial (cagub) and vice-gubernatorial (cawagub) candidates for the 2024 Jakarta gubernatorial election (Pilgub). This was announced by PKS President Ahmad Syaikhu in his speech at the Party Leadership School event titled 'Continuing to Defend the People' at the Grand Sahid Hotel, Central Jakarta, Tuesday (25/6/2024).

"If the party instructs, I am ready to go anywhere, even Papua. That is the answer of a true cadre. All PDIP cadres must be ready to go anywhere if the party commands," Rapidin recounted Ahok's response.

Furthermore, public reaction has been considerable in response to the speculation that Ahmad and Ganinduto will form a duo in the upcoming election. As a partner, Chacha Frederica confirms she will always back Dico Ganinduto's decision to compete in the Central Java election, including her husband's initiative to invite Raffi Ahmad to join the political contest. "As long as my husband is with Raffi, I pray for the best," said Chacha Frederica regarding the Pilkada to the journalists in the Tendean district, Jakarta Selatan, May 28, 2024. "During the photoshoot, Gigi was also there. So, Gigi and I as wives endorse our husbands as long as it is positive, good, and beneficial for many people. Yes, we back them," Chacha Frederica added.

Besides Ahok, Rapidin mentioned several other names have registered with PDIP to run for the North Sumatra gubernatorial election. These include incumbent Edy Rahmayadi and Musa Rajekshah, also known as Ijeck.

I Am Ready Dico Ganinduto aims to give back to the country by participating in the Pilkada. He is sincere and accepting if fate dictates otherwise. "So, whatever the result, I am ready. I am sincere, as long as I make maximum efforts. My intention is to make a positive contribution to the country," he stated.

Maximum Effort When asked how optimistic he is about running in the 2024 Pilkada, Dico Ganinduto couldn't provide a definite answer. He confesses he can only try his hardest and leave the results to God Almighty. "I believe, as humans, we must strive and make maximum efforts. As much as possible, try with good intentions. We leave the results to Allah," explained Dico Ganinduto.

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